Event title

Suffolk in person core training Winter 2025

Event description

Bookings are open for our next *in person* Peer Support Network (PSN/CCI) Course - enabling access to free emotional support for life. NB: CCI Co Counselling also called PSN -  Peer Support Network - in Suffolk - it's a 'proper' CCI course

On (or first date)
Other dates


- Here is a link to a *free no obligation 40' webinar* to watch as an introduction to what it is all about - https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/xFcWYoxYYIOzQWTH7GpBS7-4-PyNWEPFWhlvL…

- And or do email me to set up a phone call to answer your questions - sue@bwis.online 

 - And here is more information on our website   Peer Working Courses |   BWIS <https://www.bwis.online/peer-working-courses>


See the BWIS website, above.


In central  Felixstowe

Organisers Contact Information

Sue Gray


Phone: 07885 525188


About Sue | Being Well In Suffolk (bwis.online) <https://www.bwis.online/about-sue>